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    Tele-mental health, online, and virtual counseling, is the delivery of mental health services where you (the client) and the clinician are physically located in two separate locations using technology to communicate with each other. Recently, the use of technology to provide counseling services has increased drastically through text-based, video-based, and email-based platforms from various service providers.

    Mental health clinicians and clients are embracing and utilizing Tele-mental health counseling as it alleviates some past barriers to accessing services, including transportation concerns, geographic limitations, full schedules/ conflicts, and socially debilitating symptoms of mental illnesses. People who suffer from severe social anxieties, major depressive disorder, and PTSD may find Tele-mental health counseling more accessible than traditional face-to-face counseling.

    Tele-mental health counseling is not meant to replace traditional face-to-face counseling nor is it seen as a “better” delivery method. Choosing Tele-mental health counseling depends on personal preference, appropriateness of need, and comfort level with technology. I always use the strictest privacy measures and encryption for all communication with you.

    If you are interested in Tele-mental health counseling, contact me today.